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We're excited to bring you our exclusive cutting board lineup. We've partnered up with a local cutting board maker that has made these amazing products for us to share with you. These boards are made with care and patience, and every board is unique, just like our dry aged meats. Our team uses these at home to serve up our steaks and prepare our meals, take one for yourself or gift it to a friend to enjoy.

Wood: Cherry

Size: 12" x 8"

Approximately 0.75" thick

Juice Grooves: yes

Handle: no

Shape: Standard

Care Instructions:

Hand wash only with warm water.

Apply a light coat of mineral oil at least once per year to keep it in premium condition.

Cherry Wood Cutting Board

68,85C$ Prix original
58,85C$Prix promotionnel
Il ne reste que 2 article(s) en stock
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